Should we see words and read art?

I invite you, the public, to post ideas, questions and comments about art. You don’t have to be an art connoisseur, an artist, a critic or even an art lover.  As long as you have an opinion, as long as art makes you turn your head or impresses you in any way, you are eligible to give your two cents. There are a few questions you may want to ask yourself though, such as: “When is the last time I went to an art museum, a gallery or an art exhibition?” What is the last art related book or article I read?

Here is what I want to start with. Are the words about art more important than the art itself? Artists are often asked to write a statement about their art, other times, critics or editors write about the art.  The relationship between art and what is written about it has an interesting balance. In the contemporary art, this balance tips more towards the words than the work itself. If the words sound magnificent, the art can be deemed  successful. But if the opposite of that happens, the art can be easily dismissed regardless of its visual contribution. What do you think?